How to maintain your exercise routine when traveling for work?

Do you often feel that traveling throws off your exercise routine? You've been working so hard on getting yourself into a habit of going to the gym, eating healthy and avoid all of those tempting high calorie snacks and now you have this week-long business trip coming up. Does it mean you'll have to start all over again once you are back? With a little bit of effort and planning, the answer is 'No'.

I love traveling. Traveling and exploring is a part of who I am. Besides pleasure travel I also have to travel for work regularly, which is most of the time long distance week-long trips. Depending on the nature of my travels, I have a few personal tips on how to stay active and feel good about yourself while traveling. I will start with business travel and continue with leisure travel in my next post. 

How to maintain your exercising routine when on a business trip:

1. Always pack you gym clothes with you! 

If you don't even bring it, there is no exercising, for sure.

2. If available, make use of your hotel gym or pool

Even though I don't normally use machines and only do classes when not traveling, I still use a treadmill or other machines on my trips. It is helpful if you have an established quick machines routine that you can use for this purpose, combined with a 10-15 min jog on the treadmill in the beginning and 5-10 min abs/ planks series at the end. 

3. Pick a few YouTube channels that offer short but effective exercising routines 

I follow a YouTube channel of one of my gym instructor. She offers short targeted exercises as well as full body longer routines. Depending on how I feel and how much time I have, I can either do one longer one or a few shorter ones. Even if I only do it for 15-20 min, it already sets the right start for the day and is guaranteed to make me feel better. Also, if I start my day with exercising, I am more likely to choose a healthier breakfast option and be more mindful of what I'm eating throughout the day.

4. Select workouts that don't require exercise shoes

This is very handy when you travel with hand luggage only and have no room for extra pair of shoes.

5. Be creative if your workout requires any equipment

For example, bottled water and wine bottles are great alternatives for light weights that you can use for toning exercises.

6. Exercise in the morning

When on a business trip, I always exercise in the morning. Leaving it for later almost always means it's not going to happen as it'll be a long working day followed by a working dinner. And the last thing I want to do after that is hitting the gym.

7. Get ready the night before

If you decide to exercise in the morning, set up your alarm and prepare everything you need for exercising before you go to bed. This makes you mentally prepared for your morning exercise and helps you not to hit that snooze button in the morning.

8. Consider running outside, even if you are not a runner

Running outside is a great way not only to stay active during your trips but also explore the surroundings. Although I really don't like running, when possible I try to run at least for 20-30 minutes to take the most of my trip to a new city. 

9. Walk more

If possible, opt for walking to your office or meeting place rather than taking a taxi. That way you can also see at least a little bit around you. I hear too many stories when people travel to all these exciting places for work but never see anything outside of their hotel room and office.

10. Start a fitness challenge

Start a fitness challenge with your friends or colleagues. There are a lot of fitness challenges online that you can use for that  (such as squat, push-up, abs or plank challenge). Make sure you have a way to track activity with your fitness buddies. A group chat with each participant reporting on completion of a daily challenge can worked well to kept everyone accountable. 

To sum it up, all the excuses such as no gym cloth, no time, etc. can be easily overcome by setting up your alarm 30 min earlier or choosing an exercise routine with minimal requirements (shoes, weights, etc.) Not only will you feel better about yourself during your trip, you will also slide back into your regular exercise routine with less stress and effort when you are back home.