Guest Post: Balancing Fitness Goals with Healthy Self-Care


Written by: Sheila Olson from

Embarking on a new fitness regimen takes commitment. Sometimes, that commitment has a way of taking over your life and elbowing out other important things. You may skip out on social engagements in favor of putting extra sessions in at the gym. Or, maybe you stretch your finances a little too thin by buying pre-made healthy food options. As great as pursuing fitness is, it’s not the only important thing in life. You have to balance your fitness goals with healthy self-care for the best results. Below are some ways to get started.

Simplify Healthy Eating

As the saying goes, “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.” The food that you eat is an essential part of reaching your fitness goals, but that importance is often exploited by companies who want to cash in on the latest diet craze or fitness trend. The truth is, the healthiest diet is going to be full of balanced meals containing high quality, whole foods.

A great way to make these meals simpler is by joining a fresh food delivery service that brings the ingredients straight to your doorstep. These services help people stick to a healthy diet so they can lose weight and meet their fitness goals. Each meal is portion controlled and incorporates new, fresh foods into your diet so you never get bored. Furthermore, they make eating healthy convenient while reducing food waste — and the money you toss out with each spoiled meal. Finally, these food delivery services save you time by cutting down on trips to the grocery store and reducing prep work for meals. That extra time can be spent enjoying the things you love, which is an essential part of self-care.


Take a Rest Day

A lot of people assume that the more they work out, the faster they will see results. However, hitting the gym daily can be counterproductive. Rest is just as important as working out. If you adopt an “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to your fitness regimen, you risk prolonging bouts of physical stress which can lead to exhaustion. Bouncing back from exhaustion takes a lot longer than a day, so go ahead and spend one or two a week away from the gym.

With that being said, taking a “rest day” doesn’t mean you have to spend your time lounging in bed. In fact, it’s vital for humans to get at least a small amount of movement in every day. But rather than pushing yourself to break a sweat, engage in some more leisurely activities:

  • Take your dog for a walk around the neighborhood.

  • Drop in on an easy flow yoga class or do some poses at home.

  • If it’s hot and sunny outside, spend the day splashing around in the pool.

  • Grab some friends and embark on a gentle hike-slash-gabfest at a local park.

  • Engage in a low impact sport such as bowling or mini-golf.


Allow an Indulgence

In life, it’s best to do everything in moderation — especially moderation itself. Allowing an indulgence every now and then can prevent boredom, which leads to fitness relapse. For many people, the idea of an “indulgence” refers to something food-oriented, but it doesn’t have to be. An indulgence can be bingeing the newest Netflix series or treating yourself to that new coat you’ve had your eye on. It’s a treat to yourself that contrasts against the severity and discipline associated with pursuing fitness goals. If you’re finding yourself in an “all work and no play” mindset, break out of it with the indulgence of your choosing.

A healthy lifestyle is multi-faceted — it can’t all be about fitness. Balance your workouts and diet with self-care to encourage your overall success. Instead of wasting money on health food trends, save both your cash and time with easy-access meal kit delivery services. Avoid powering through your week with daily workouts, and give yourself one or two active rest days that allow your body and mind time to recover. Finally, take a break from the austerity of fitness with an indulgence every now and then to remind yourself that life is to be enjoyed.